Future Plans

Community Dialysis Center

RIDA Foundation plans to set up Community Dialysis Centers (CDC) in the suburb of Mumbai to provide free/subsidized dialysis facilities to the underprivileged.

RIDA Foundation has submitted a proposal with the Lions Club of India to set up a 10-bed dialysis center in Saki Naka. With 10 machines and 24/7 commitment, the dialysis center will be able to perform nearly 800 dialyses per month. The center will also focus on educational programs to help patients live reasonably healthy and productive lives, even while on hemodialysis.

Rehabilitation Services

We are vastly outgrowing our physical facilities with currently leased space for SAARTHI school for special children. RIDA Foundation is in the process of acquiring a 3000 sq. ft. facility to expand and to provide professional rehabilitation services to our school.

The goal of the Rehabilitation services is to help students/patients regain their highest functional abilities as well as return to community activities. In addition to therapeutic services, the rehabilitation unit would provide diagnosis, inpatient rehabilitation, and treatment for special children from infant through the age of 21.

Skill Development, Employment And Entrepreneurship For Women with Disabilities

Due to a very low literacy rate in women with disabilities, getting employment is a huge hurdle. Women face this hurdle even more than men, and in most cases, they don’t even get married. RIDA Foundation is taking the first steps in eliminating this wide gap by educating women with disabilities and widows who are single mothers with required skills and offering employment to work from their homes and make a decent income.

Behind SakiNaka Telephone Exchange, Kurla-Andheri Road, Saki Naka,
Mumbai - 400072, India.

(+91) 022-28599753 / 9322907090